Saturday, August 14, 2010

A young boy killed in a road accident

On Saturday night many people go toward sea side to enjoy on independent`s day this crowd become more. An eighteen years old young boy belongs to Sector 8/F Gulzar colony Korangi Industrial Area Karachi was killed in a road accident at 2.00 AM night he was on his motorbike he was brought hospital but all in vain he could not live more. His death body was brought home at 3.00 AM

The wood trade of the world

According to a cautious estimation, fifty percent of the world trade of wood takes place through Europe. Common trend is that the wood is sent from North to South. Wood is exported by Harvey and Finland to Britain, Italy, West Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and France.
Thirty percent of world trade of wood depends on America. Canada is the biggest exporter of wood while America is the biggest importer of wood while other countries have less share in the world trade of wood. Philippine is the biggest exporter' wood in Asia while Japan is the biggest importer.
Wood is specially used in buildings and paper making is the second important use of wood and the remained' used in different uses. Per ca pita use of wood is highest in Finland and Central Africa, Canada are ranked at No 2. South and North America and Europe use the wood on largest scale in the world. Africa and Asia are at lower in the world production of wood.

Some fact about Turkey

Turkey is the country which half part is located in Asia and half part in Europe so it is the door for Europe to Asia. The total population of Turkey is 72 million and about 61 percent are below age 43 years. The rate of young people among 27th European countries is higher in Turkey. In higher education sector there are 450000 students, 143 universities. At school level there are 730000 students and 1third of this count is studying in technical institute. There are 24 million qualified young labor forces in Turkey. Among the 27th European countries for young educated qualified people turkey stands at 5th place. Turkey is the 15th economical power of the world and at 6th place among 27th European countries. From 2003 to 2008 an increment in GDP is 143 percent and its volume has reached to 742 $. Export 179 percent rate increase and its volume has reached 132 $ and increase in export is 188 percent. The transport system in Turkey is very advance. The current oil supply to the world is 121 million ton and it continues to increase to 221 million ton. About 90 percent people live in flats which consist in 3 rooms normally. The minimum salary in Turkey is 800 to 900 lira and maximum 5000 to 6000 lira. About 60 to 70 percent people have their own cars.
Comparing these fact with Pakistan we able to know that we are still very backward in educational sector our result is not satisfied. Only 5 t o7 percent study at universities level. Technical education is much low government technical collage standard is not good and privet sector is very expensive.
The transport system is traditional old enough instead to increase and make it advance we are decreasing it as we stopped travel trains. Only 15 to 20 percent live in flats and same or less can afford their own cars.


The iron and steel prodcrction of 18 important steel producing countries, for the year 2000, is being quoted
which indicates their importance for producing steel: -
                        000 METRIC TONES
    COUNTRY                       PIG IRON             STEEL
     China                                118,636,7              115,590
     Japan                                74;481                   93,548

      Federation of Russia          37,079                 49,453
      U.S.A                                                            88,000
      Canada-                                                       45,000
      South Korea                       23,328                41,024
      ­Germany                            27,340                39,496
      Brazil                                 25,111                25,760
      Italy                                   10,324                 24,285
      India                                  2,99                    22,654
      Britain                               12,409                 12,446
      France                               11,547                 17,633
      Spain                                 4,127                  12,038
      Belgium                              8,618                  11,404
      Australia                             7,928                   8,356
      Poland                                6,326                   9,915
      North Korea                       6,600                   8,100
      South Africa                        6, 878                  7,970

Friday, August 13, 2010

Street crime

Yesterday night at Bilal colony there was dispute between two different language speaker. both party fired each other and one person was killed after this event all market was immediately shutdown and police arrived on the spot.
this sad event feared the people to move outside and they got back home who buying national flag on Independent day all Azadi Mobarik activities was stopped and still market is not completely opened.

What this independent day brings us

 Is that our homeland? How it will survive 
* Flood in country

* Target killing in Karachi

* Expenses
Highest rate of fruits and vegetable
Highest rate of dresses and shoes
Highest rate of grocery
Highest collages and universities fees
Highest rate of utilities bills
Highest electricity charges

So in this situation how can we celebrate this independent`s day proudly asking many peoples about their activities we get answer that they like to sleep at home instead going anywhere. If you go somewhere in the city you are afraid for your life or buses high rent or expensive food. That`s why Karachi`s citizen do not show the sprit as they were shown in past to celebrate independent`s day
Flood tragedy in country also shocked the citizen to travel anywhere.
What should we do?
We must helped the people who are in trouble in flood as this is the month of Ramdan we must sent them dry fruits, milk , juices and flour so the can enjoy Ramdan also we need to unite whether we speak any language Urdu, Punjabi, Pashto and Sindhi.
Finally say prayer in this Holy month of Ramdan to save and secure Pakistan

               Love and Save Pakistan

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Admission open at National Institute of Leather Technology

National Institute of Leather Technology has open admission for both boys and girl in science and commerce intermediate classes. This will a part collage section in collaboration with National Institute of Leather Technology interested students should contact at NILT to get admission in science and commerce. 

Leather unit performs well for LANXESS

Published:  09 August, 2010
Good sales performance in emerging markets have led to Lanxess, the German specialty chemicals company, to lift their full year outlook they reported on August 6. The leather business unit performed well within the Performance Chemicals segment. Second-quarter net profit hit euro 131 million up from euro 17 million last year. Q2 sales rose to euro 1.83 billion. Full year forecasts have been adjusted to euro 800 million up from an original range of between euro 650-700 million. Demand from markets in Asia and Latin America helped lift profits.
Sales of the Performance Chemicals segment rose 40% year-on-year to euro 537 million in the second quarter, with all seven-business units showing volume improvements. EBITDA pre exceptionals rose 91% year-on-year to euro 84 million. The strongest contributor to operating earnings was the Leather Business Unit, which registered a significant increase in demand for its products from the clothing, furniture and automotive industries.

How to find out the basicity in recyled chrome

How to find out Chrome content in leather and recycled chrome

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bacteriostatic and bactericidal actions of boric acid against bacteria and fungi commonly found in urine

 Boric acid has been used for  over 20 years to preserve urine while in transit fer bacteriological examination.
It has been suggested that it may be toxic for some urinary pathogens. To investigate this several strains of
bacteria and fungi commonly found in urine were exposed to different concentrations. of boric acid in
nutritnt broth. Viable counts were made at the outest and nt intervals for up to 24 hours at room temperature todetect bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect at the concentration between 10 and 20 g/l boric acid was bacteriostatic or fungi static for very nearly all the common urinary pathogens. At 10 g/l boric acid acid was weakly bactericidal for Some strians  of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa though higher concentrations were bacteriostatic only Group B streptococel varied in their response to boric acid but for most of them 10 to 20 g/l was satisfactorily bacteriostatic. It is concluded that boric acid is rarly toxic and when it is the effect is usually sufficiently delayed to be of only theoretical importance In 1969 Porter and Brodie described the use of boric acid at a concentration of 18 g/l to preserve urine while in transit for bacteriological examination. Although urine is a culture medium, they showed that when boric acid was added the number of any bacteria presented did not chnge significantly for up to 48 hours at room temperature and other cellular elements remained substantially intact.
 They claimed this effective bacteriostasis allowed the numericla criteria for the labooatory diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) to be applied despite delay in performing the examination. This cheap and simple way to increase accuracy in the diagnosis of bacteriauria and pyuria has not been widely adopted.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How to Alleviate an Orbital Traffic Jam

Spacemaker. Assisted by solar sails, spacecraft could park in uncrowded geostationary orbits.
Credit: ASCL/University of Strathclyde
There's gridlock in orbit. More than 400 telecommunications satellites, plus an indeterminate number of retired, failed, and secret spacecraft, occupy a narrow band of space some 35,000 kilometers above Earth's equator. Now, researchers have found a way to alleviate the congestion: attaching solar sails to satellites that would propel them 10 to 30 kilometers north or south of the standard orbit. Space experts say that such sails could also open up other orbital positions that were previously considered unattainable.
Telecommunications satellites must remain in the same position above Earth at all times—in a so-called geosynchronous orbit—so that satellite dishes don't have to constantly swivel to track them. Thanks to the laws of gravity and orbital mechanics, the only way for a satellite to maintain a geosynchronous position has been to orbit above the equator.
But this prime real estate is growing scarce. The satellites could move north or south, but the extra rocket fuel needed to maintain these less-stable orbital positions would be expensive and would limit the life of the craft.
That's where solar sails come in. A large square of reflectively coated Mylar—say, a hundred meters on a side—could catch enough sunlight to propel a satellite above or below the plane of the equator and maintain enough thrust to hold it in geostationary position.
To see if the idea would work, aerospace engineer Colin McInnes and one of his graduate students, Shahid Baig, at the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom started with calculations developed by Robert Forward, a physicist and NASA consultant. Forward, who died in 2002, posited that the photons of sunlight streaming across the solar system contained sufficient energy to push a solar-sail–arrayed satellite out of geostationary orbit and maintain its new position without the need for heavy, liquid-fueled thrusters. The Japanese IKAROS spacecraft, which was launched last month, is testing the basic solar-sail concept.
Other scientists questioned Forward's calculations, because, they argued, his figures weren't precise enough. But using superaccurate computer models, McInnes and Baig have determined that Forward was indeed correct. The new calculations, published in the May/June Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, showed that sunlight hitting a solar sail would be sufficient to push the satellite into a geostationary orbit. And due to its continuous pressure, the sunlight could also hold the spacecraft in that orbit indefinitely without the need for thrusters.
Although the research provides only a theoretical proof of concept, experts see a bright future for solar-sail satellites. For example, says aerospace engineer Ben Diedrich of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Silver Spring, Maryland, researchers could park satellites over Earth's poles to provide continuous climate monitoring at these latitudes. Or the sails could push solar-research spacecraft into more advantageous orbits to study the sun. Solar-sail–assisted orbits, he says, are "one more viable option for future mission planners to consider."

Different kind of steel

Steel, on the basis of its nature and components, can be classifi~d into five kinds as under:
Most of the kinds of steel ,in use are classified ,as 'carbon steel', The proportion of carbon in different kinds of carbon steel but Manganese proportion is not more than 1 .65 per cent nevertheless, the proportion of Silicon is 0.60 per cent and copper is also 0.60 per cent. In other words, Manganese, Silicon and Copper are mixed in Carbon Steel.Carbon steel is used .for making springs for bed mattresses, structure of the ships, buildings structure, motor cars body and machines.
Different kinds of Alloy steel are being made in which different proportions of various metals are mixed to change their properties so that they could be used for desired purposes. 20 per cent in the world production of steel is constituted by Alloy Steel. If a certain proportion of Vanadium and Molybdenum is mixed, the steel becomes more hard and strong having the capability of bearing the shocks and vibrations. This is the reason that his kind of alloy steel is used for making the Excel and gear of motor vehicles.
If high proportion of manganese is mixed in steel, steel becomes more hard and is used for mining machines electric machines and heavy machinery. If Nickel is mixed,steel, it becomes very hard to be used for boll bearing armourd plates.By 'mixing chromium, steel is can into Stainless Steet
and used in man~fact!Jring such which can be rusted like milk bottles&nd,airplanes etc.
If Tungsten and Cobalt is mixed in steel, it can be used in making iron cutting blades like blades of lath machines. By mixing Silicon and Copper: common steel is made.
 " This kind of steel is the most modern invention amongest all the kinds of steel in use'which is a1so termed as HSLA is called  'low alloy' because the cheap metals are mixed in this kind of steels.But this steel is more strong than t·carbon steel. For example, loading trucks and vehicle are made' of this steel because the walls of the vehicle arEin weight but stronger that the Carbon Steel.
Nickel, Chromium and other elements are mixed, Stainless Steel. Stainless·steel is not only strong but retain its glittering and is save from rusting and moisture Gases and acids do not a.ffect the stainless steel. Sta steel is used for making chemical plants and petre refininy pipes. Apart from it, it is also used for airplane:
space capsules. Surgical instrunents are also mE' stainless steel. In the home kitcher,s, food processing and for cutlery making, stainless steel is utilized because this metal is not only rust proof but it can also be cleaned easily.
Toll steel is fabricated in the bands of different tool and implements. It is also used in machines generated by energy. Molybdenum, Tungsten and such other metals mixed in Toll Steel which provide iron extra ord strength, hardness and power of resistance.

Principal basic fatliquoring substances

The degree of purity of the oils should be observed. Filtered or refined products are suitable. Heavy impurities cause odour problems. Products of high iodine value (except for chamois tannage) have a tendency to effect intensive yellowing of the leather and quick oxidation.When using neatsfoot oil, cold-resistant products should be chosen. Lard oil should not have solid constituents either as otherwise
there is a risk of fatty spew. All products have an increased content of stearic fatty acid and thus a very strong tendency to form fatty spew. The use of raw materials which have been stored for some time should be avoided because of the rancid smell.Only refined products should be used as this category of products is prone to rancidity which may cause disagreeable smells. Only scmi-drying and non-drying oils are suitable for fat liquoring of leathers. Some products have a tendency to oxidation and thus to develop strong,
 disagreeable smells. Wool grease (lanolin) should be used in purified form because products of inferior quality have a disagreeable smell. Products based on wool grease reduce the wetting properties of the leather.
Paraffin oils only have an adequate fatliquoring effect from a medium chain length of C 20.
Mineral oils should be Iight-coloured, odourless, and the viscosity should not be too low. Furthermore they should have only a low content of aromatic hydrocarbons as othenvise increased yellowing may occur.