Friday, August 19, 2016


My Private Email:
Dear Beloved One,

Please forgive me if my plead sounds a bit strange or embarrassing to you.My family attorney who could have handled this executorship of my WILL & TESTAMENT on my behalf died early this year after a protracted illness. I therefore prayed fervently and by the special grace of GOD,i got your email ID from your country's guest book.I am Mrs. Tehila Nathan,a native of Israel, I am 63 years old. am suffering from protracted cancer of the lungs which has also affected part of my brain cells due to complications. From all indication my condition is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious according to my doctors that i may not live for the next few months, because my condition has gotten to a critical and life threatening stage.
I was orphaned at the age of four and was raised in an orphanage.i was married to my late husband Engr.Ahaz Nathan for twenty two years without a child. Ahaz had cadio-vascular condition and died of cardiac arrest few years ago.I am a fervent Believer and a God fearing woman just like my late husband. Ahaz and i lived in Burkina Faso for over 15 years,where my husband a petrochemical engineer by profession worked and rose through the ranks to become an executive director with a multinational construction and oil servicing conglomorate, before his demise.He also established huge private investments that i assisted in managing.

Sequel to the unfortunate and shocking demise of my priceless husband, i decided not to re-marry,when my cancer ailment became terminal & more so because i do not have a next of kin to bequeath all that I & my husband laboured for,i sold off all our choice properties and other inherited belongings comprising of a shopping mall,an a hotel, shares, bonds,jewelries and other valuable family treasures and deposited the proceeds amounting to($10.5 Million Dollars)with Oris Bank Int.,this fund is still deposited with the bank. The management of the bank just wrote me as the sole owner because of the unserviceable status of the fund. The bank suggested to me in a 2 paragraph statement to issue a letter of authorization to someone who can manage the fund on my behalf because of my ill health and also threatened that the fund could be confiscated upon my failure to adhere to their Banking rules and regulations within stipulated time frame.
I have been hospitalized in Israel hospital,It is one of the leading cancer treatment hospital in the world and i have been undergoing treatment there for late-stage terminal cancer of the lungs. I am computer literate and was fortunate enough to have my personal laptop with me,hence I am writing from my sick bed. I rarely talk, my doctors told me that I have only few months to live,unless there is a divine intervention.It is my last WISH therefore to see that 90% of this fund is invested in any charitable organisation of your choice and administered as you may deem fit, especially to the orphanage homes and homes for destitutes and the mentally retarded. you can also extend some part of the funds to churches and mosques,if you wish.10% of the fund could also be expended on cost of administration of WILL & TESTAMENT and also on logistic support and other sundry arrangements that you may require as soon as the fund gets to you.

I crave your indulgence as a God fearing individual and as someone who cares for the less-privileged as much as i do, to take it upon yourself and use this fund for the above mentioned purposes,i took this painstaking decision in other to help humanity in my little capacity before i rest in peace in the bosom of GOD almighty.according to my physicians my time will soon be up.As soon as I receive your reply and personal informations as listed below, i will issue you with a letter of authorization.
The letter of authorization will prove that you are the new beneficiary of my WILL & TESTAMENT. the funds have an open beneficiary mandate and as such, it is whom i authorize or appoint to act on my behalf that the bank will recognize and release the funds to.Please assure me that you will not treat this offer with levity but will rather give my bequest continued existence.

Send the information in this order:

(1) Your full names :---------------

(2) personal or official contact address:----------------------------

(3) Home or Office phone#:------------------ Cellphone#:--------- Fax#:---------

(4) Your Age:------------------------


(6)Sex/Marital status:---------------

(8)Your photo or identity card:---------------

Awaiting your kind response while craving your appreciation of my predicament.

Warmest Regards
Mrs.Tehila Nathan
My Private Email:

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