Wednesday, April 21, 2010

PISD (Cleaner technology program for Pakistan leather industry)

Cleaner production institute (CPI) is a not-profit and non-governmental organization registered under society’s registration act of 1860. The institute aims to promote and execute environment development projects in the industrial sectors of Pakistan and conduct research in areas concerning the environmental technology. CPI has initiated the program for industrial sustainable development (PISD) on July, 01 2007 with technical assistance from royal Netherlands Embassy (RNE) to help Pakistan industry stay competitive. The program essentially upholds the need of internalizing environment and energy costs into an economic process. Sector specific cleaner technology and energy efficiency projects are the components of PISD. Leather manufacturing is one of the four major industrial sector-together with textile processing, pulp and paper and sugar on which the program will continue to focus over the first three years of its operation.
Leather industry of Pakistan
The leather industry consists of some 600 tanneries both in the
Formal sectors and is the second biggest export oriented indigenous industry of Pakistan. The leather industry has implemented many progressive intervention and technologies in the pass to deal with its numerous environment and energy challenges. The representative association of leather industry i.e. Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA) has a long been facilitating a number of initiatives to address the environment issues of the industry. This has resulted into a more competitive, sustainable and progressive leather industry of Pakistan. For sustainable of already implemented steps and in view of the continuous needs of the leather and tanning sector, PISD will transfer environmental and energy-related knowledge and technologies to address the ongoing issues of leather sector of Pakistan.

Major Environment Energy Concerns
Waste Water
In the tannery processes, water is used as a washing medium and chemical carrier. The optimal requirement for manufacturing finished leather from raw hide/skin is around 50-60 liters of water per Kg of hide/skin but actual consumption of water locally is at least three times more.
Wet processes of the tannery are the main sources of wastewater generation, while some mechanical operation also contributes small quantities of wastewater. Tannery wastewater is highly polluted in term of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Sulphide and Chromium etc.
Solid waste
Two types of solids wastes are generated from leather production processes (tanned and untanned). Solid waste includes dusted curing salts, raw trimming, wet-blue trimmings, dry trimmings, wet-blue shavings, dry shavings, buffing and packing material etc. on an average a tannery processing 10,000 kg of raw material pr day generates some 5,500 kg of solid waste daily. The solid wastes do have secondary use in glue manufacturing and poultry feed making etc. however the use of chrome-containing solid waste for poultry feed preparation can causes serious health problem for consumers.
Air Emission
The generators and boilers are two point sources of air emissions from tanneries in the occupational environment, caused the diffused ammonia and hydrogen sulphide emissions in the occupational environment, caused by the mixing of acidic and alkaline wastewater in drains pose serious health hazards. Indoor air pollution also results from the processes of lining and deliming, where hydrogen sulphide and ammonia are generated respectively. In the finishing operations, spray plant may become a source of indoor VOC emissions if operated inappropriately.
Health Risk
The hazards gases released form leather processing pose acute threat to the health of nearby residents. Ammonia emissions during processing and washing of drums have serious negative impacts on workers health. Similarly hydrogen sulphide emission during mixing of acidic and alkaline wastewater in drain has potential to cause many health related problems.
Tannery wastewater may lead to contamination of groundwater which results in variety water borne diseases.

Energy issues
Generally, a leather unit consumes over 0.97-1.87 MJ i.e 270-300 KWh of energy to produce 100 ft2 of finished leather. The absence of energy efficient technologies and lack of proper maintenance steam pips and of insulations is causing wastage of significant amount of energy in most leather processing units.
Cleaner production technology has gained excellent reputation and success over the years in Pakistan under various projects aiming to help industrial units improve their environmental performance without compromising on profit margins.
More recently, the energy efficient technologies have also gained significant due to the heavy cost of electrical and thermal energy. Substantial savings could be made annually be conserving energy alones amongst textile processing units to benefit from energy efficient selections.
Considering this, cleaner production institute (CPI) has started the program for industrial sustainable development (PISD. Cleaner (energy efficiency) technology project for Karachi tanneries (CTP-KT) is a component project of PISD. CTP-KT intends to provide free of cost technical services to Karachi based leather processing units in implementing energy efficient and environment friendly technologies.
Cleaner (Energy Efficiency) Technology Project for Karachi

CTP-KT is an ongoing project of PTA Southern ZONE Environment Society (PTA.SZES) is completed in April 2008-PISD incorporates the additional outputs and services of CTP-KT beyond 2008.
There is a continuous demand of continuity of CTP-KT beyond 2008 because of the commissioning of combined effluent treatment plant (CETP) the very high return on investments and potential of substantial financial savings demonstrated during the successful implementation“Energy Conservation Program for Punjab Tanneries”. It also includes development of institutional framework for the sustainable management and operations of CETP which will serve as the guiding system for the further CETP in Pakistan.
Project services
Following are the major activities and outputs of the project.
1. Dissemination and communication seminars, workshops, brochures, posters, leaflets and website for raising awareness about cleaner and energy efficient technologies.
2. Institutional development
Legal, financial, monitoring and emerging preparedness system and tools.
Capacity building of the industry about environment, energy, cleaner production concerned legal issues and their solutions.
Effective role of industrial associations to serve as fascinator on these issues.
3. Cleaner technologies and energy efficiency:
Integrated environmental and energy audits and action plans
Implementation of cleaner production technologies.

Implementation of energy efficient technologies environment and energy reports.
4. Training and human resource development
Training of industry personal on cleaner production technologies, energy efficiency occupational health and safety, environment management system (EMS) and ISO 14001 certification.
5. Environmental management system and certification development of EMC manual, implementation of EMC ISO. 14001 certification
6. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
CSR reports of selected industrial units.
7. Cleaner production and energy efficient technologies performance reports for various technology interventions

Project benefits
A variety of multi faceted are expected from the implementation of the project including
1. Implementation of cleaner production, energy efficient technologies and environmental management system.
2. Increased awareness on environmental and energy issues among industrial personnel.
3. Effective and trained workforce on cleaner technologies energy efficiency environmental engineering occupational health and safety environmental management system corporate social responsibility etc.
4. Improved competitiveness and business image through resources conservation and environment compliance effective institutional coordination between industrial associations and government agencies for dovetailing environmental issues into national industrial policies. Improved work force productivity through better occupational health and safety conditions.
Improved relations and links of the industry with R & D institutions, certification and legal bodies vendors and other stakeholders.
Project Team
A dedicated team of CPI professional and experts is placed in the tannery cluster of Korangi Industrial Area Karachi to provide technical assistance to partner industrial units. The project team comprises of engineers (mechanical, chemical, environmental and electrical) and EMS specialists.
The project team is working under the supervision of a national program coordinator and a program manager. The project team also has valuable support from separate dissemination and communication team in carrying out different activities and events. Besides expatriate professionals and local consultants in pertinent areas are also hired to assist the project teams in various tasks.
Who can join CTP-KT
1. Are members of PTA (SZ) Environmental Society or are willing to become so.
2. Show verifiable interest in mobilizing human and capital investments for successful implementation of solutions suggested by the project team.
3. Are nominal of managing committee PTA (SZ) ES

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