Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wool producing countries

China is at place in wool producing countries recently has emerged as one of the important wool producing countries of the world. South West, North West, Western and Central China are the ideal regions for sheep rearing. Sheep keeping is the thousands years tradition in China, like those of Australia has vast grass field with central Asia due to which is capable to rear vast flocks of sheep. There were 133,160,000 sheep in China in 2002 and this number is highest in the world. China in contrast to Australia produces wool for carpets. Moreover, per sheep wool productivity, in contrast to Australia, is also low. This is the reason that despite having highest number of sheep, China occupies second position in wool at world level. In contrast to other big wool producing countries of the world, China is thickly populated and industry as well as the economy is rapidly developing. Consequently, China is the biggest consumer of wool in the world. The dominant part of the wool produced in China is locally used for making blankets, carpets and rugs. China imports merynos wool for hosiery industry from Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.
Sheep production worldwide

A World War I era poster sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture encouraging children to raise sheep to provide needed war supplies.According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations,[1] the top ten "indigenous sheep meat" producing countries in order of quantity are:

1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. Iran
4. United Kingdom
5. Turkey
6. Syria
7. India
8. Spain
9. Sudan
10. Pakistan
China actually has the greatest number of sheep in terms of number of livestock (See top ten list in Domestic sheep). While New Zealand rates number 2 on the list of total quantity of "indigenous sheep meat" produced, it has the highest number of sheep per-capita (outside of the Falkland Islands). Simon McCorkindale of Christchurch, New Zealand holds the current Guinness World Record for number of sheep owned by one man (384143) and was named Royal ovis Aires Breed Board of Indigenous Territories (RABBIT) breeder for 12 consecutive years.[2

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