Saturday, July 17, 2010


According to the world map, Pakistan is situated in the Western part of South Asia. Pakistan is situated
between 61 degree and 75.5 degree Longitudes in the East and 24 degree Latitudes in the North.
In other words, it is situated in the temperate zone. The maximum length of Pakistan is 800 miles
and width is 250 miles. 

In the north of God gifted Pakistan, the Himalayan range is stretched jointing the Hindu Kush and Karrakoram Ranges. The average h~ight of the Himalayan range is 6,100 meters in which some of the highest peaks of the world are also included like The second highest (according to the experts opinion it is the first) peak K-2 having a height of 68,199 meters. Another highest peak of karrakoram Range 7,736 meters high Trich Mir. Under the Karrakoram mountain there is the extension part of the Himalaya which is stretched from East to West and comes to an end at Naga Parbat. The height of the Naga Perbat peak is 6;008 meters .which is 8th.highest peak of the world:
The super powers of the world Russia (former) ar.d China are the neighbors of Pakistan. In the North West
 of Pakistan there is Afghan territory Wakkhan which was occupied by former Ru::>sia and afterwards
she had to evacuated.The Wakkhan territory segregates Russia and Pakistan. When Russia occupied Wakkhan,"China also opposed this immoral and agamst the International law occupation.
Pakistan, with China in North, has 595 kilometers long common border adjacent to Gilgit Agency and Baluchistan neverthless, Pakistan and China are tied with the strong relations due to their common interests. Consequently, Pakistan has no economic and political problem in this area.In the West of Pakistan, there is 2,252 kilometers long common border with Afghanistan called 'purand Line', In the South of Durand Line, Pakistan has 805 kilometers long common border with another friendly Muslim country Iran. In the South of Pakistan there is Arabian Sea and in the East Pakistan has 1,610 kilometer long border with India parallel to East Punjab and Rajisthan.
The location of Pakistan, as compared to other countries of the world, is geo-strategically
important. China, as a big and strong and effective world power is with Pakistan as a dependable
 and trustworthy neighbor.Pak-China friendship has now become an example because China, on many occasions and testing periods, has supported Pakistan morally and materially also. As a result of friendship with China, Pakistanis safe from the expansionary intentions of the neighboring and big countries.

The borders of Pakistan are with the oil producing Muslim countries. These Muslim countries have
 the enormous mineral oil reserves. These countries are cooperating with Pakistan in catering her energy needs. Mineral oil is the big force in the modern times therefore, neighborhood of the oil producing countries is a boon for economic and industrial development of Pakistan. In the West of Pakistan, there are South African countries and Pakistan is related to them through the bonds of Islam. Consequently, Pakistan can and has acquired their moral and material support in the past. Briefly speaking, right from Sindh to Pacific Ocean, a chain of Muslim countries is stretched. Sindh is situated on the coast of Arabian sea and it is the fortune of Pakistan because she is connected with the important countries of the world through ocean and has been trading with them. Karachi Port is the International Port.
The location of Pakistan is also important that the smopolitan city of Sindh Karachi is also known as
the 3ate of Asia' because all the international flights lend on the _ nnah Terminal; the international air port.
 The location of  Pakistan, in this. manner, is important not only according to the marine point of view
but also according to land point of Pakistan is important historically also because this area has been
the center of ancient, developed and glorious civi1izations. The ruins of Moen Jodro, Harrappa and Taxilla the self evident proof of this claim. Pakistan has been the custodian of great civilization 5,000 year back.

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