Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The removal of the curing salt and rehydration of the skin introduce the possibility of bacterial growth. The current hide carries with it a large quantity of a wide variety of bacteria and under the conditions of soaking they can become active these are three areas of danger from such bacterial activity: the Bactria may dangerous t o man, infectious animal diseases may be present and bacterial damage to the hide may occur. Hides which are cured properly with clean salt or are in a soft green salted condition and show no evidence of bacterial damage prior to soaking, generally have little necessity for the addition of disinfectant. Disinfectants of the type of chlorinated aromatic compounds are generally used. Disinfectants in the form of strong oxidizing agents are usually best avoided as they may interfere with subsequent unhairing processes.
Modern practice is to soak such a short time that bacterial damage is no longer a significant factor. Many of the easier books on leather manufacture in their discussion of soaking include rather lengthy descriptions of possible bacterial damage and a discussion of bacteria in general. There are available a large number of different disinfectants, particularly of the synthetic typed, so that there is very little difficulty in maintaining (for all practical purpose) relatively sterile condition in the modern tannery concern for bacterial damage in soaking therefore is minimization.
disinfectants from different supplier

1. Disinfectant MS
2. Busan 40
3. Resicide Z
1.Zenith 399
2. Aducide E 85
3. Biocide EB

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