Friday, May 7, 2010

Physical and economical factors for the production wool

The following physical and economical factors are required for abundant, standard and better production of wool.
1. Temperature:
‘Wool sheep’ are reared in dry, warm and temperate climate where 20 to 25 centigrade temperatures is maintained.
2. Climate:
Climate is the most important factor for sheep rearing because extremely hot, cold and moist climate does not suit for sheep rearing. Semi dry climate is ideal for sheep rearing.
3. Rainfall:
Moist climate is not suitable for sheep rearing because this kind of climate is the cause of different disease for sheep. 25 centigrade to 50 centigrade rainfalls is ideal for good pastures for sheep.
4. Well-Drained Grounds:
Marshy ground does not suit for sheep rearing therefore, land having slops or the mountainous regions are good ground for this purpose because these grounds are not favourable for cultivation but grass is abundantly grown on the well drained land.
5. Vast Rich Pastures:
For successful sheep rearing, vast area of land is required. Semi arid grounds are good for sheep rearing but ‘wool sheep’ need dry areas. Although sheep graze from the sides of plants and bushes which are not consumed by other cattle nevertheless pastures must be vast and rich in grass.
6. Fine Wool Bearing Species:
Sheep rearing can be profitable activity only when the wool obtained from per sheep has substantial weight. It would not only profitable for sheep herders but would also important for earning foreign exchange for the country. This is the reason that most of the sheep rearing countries prefer to raise best species of Wool Sheep like Merynose.
7. Government Patronage;
No business activity can be run on profitable grounds so long government provides its patronage. The government is held responsible for making arrangements to export wool.
8. Scientific Farm Management:
Scientific farm management is necessary to raise diseases free and more productive sheep without which any productive target can be achieved.
9. Wide Internal/International Market:
Most of the sheep rearing countries are hot having think population. Apart from it, local demand for wool is also not encouraging due to hot climate. This is the reason that most of the wool producing countries is the exporters of wool. These countries are situated in far areas. Eighty % of the total wool produced is imported by cold and thickly populated western and Northern American countries.
10. Effective Transport System:
Collection of wool from different producing areas and supplying it well in time to the woolen textile mills required effective, developed and cheap transport system. In addition to these factors, purchasing power of the people of wool importing countries, expansion in the woolen textile industry and other cultural factors also play an important role in wool production. Reasonable wool prices and political peace at the global level also play decisive role in the development of sheep farming.

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