Monday, June 21, 2010

Vegetable tanning of Sheep and Goat skin

Rapid tannage of fresh, wet salted, dry salted and sun dried sheep and goat skins with Mimosa extract outline process:
Fresh and wet salted skin
Wash for short time in pit or drum- changing the water once.
Dry salted skins soak in pit for 3 hours
                                     500 % float on dry saltd weight
                                     0.5 % Caustic Soda on dry salted weight
Take out, reverse order, put in back order
                    Leave Over Night
Take out reverse order, put back in pit for 1 hour
Sun Dried skin
Soak in pit for 4 hours
                                      1000 % float on dried skin weight
                                       1 % Caustic Soda on dried skin weight
 Take out reverse order, put back in pit for 1 hour
After soaking stretch by hand or machine (this is very essential for dry salted and sun dried skin)
Painting-prepare a 12 ° Be` solution of sodium sulphide and make strength up to 25 ° Be` with water and lime  
Skin painted on flesh side, piled 4-5 hours then unhaired and placed in pit
                              200 % water on drained soak weight
                             10-15 % lime on drained soak weight
                             Unhair after 2 days
                     200 % water on drained soak weight
                     10-15 % lime on drained soak weight
                    Leave 3- 4 days, scud, reflesh and weigh. 

                   In drum, not more than 3- 4 r.p.m
                  200 % water   or     200 % water
                  0.5 % ammonium chloride    0.5 % sodium bi sulphite   
                  1 % orpon or pancresol           1 % orpon or pancresol     
Run 1.5 -2 hours
Goat skin may require 0.5 to 1 hour longer
Wash for 20 minutes with running water sodium bi sulphite tends to yield a cleaner
Pelt than with ammonium chloride
In drum, not more than 3-4 r.p.m
                70 % water         or     70 % water
                  6 % salt                    6 % salt
                  1 % formic acid       0.5 % sulfuric acid
Run 1 hour
Add 2- 5 % syntan (oveosyn Cp, tanigan CH or other pretanning syntan)
Drain off float and proceed with tanning
Tan in same drum with 30 % solid Mimosa or 27 % powder Mimosa
Dissolved in own weight of water adding the tanning solution through hollow axle in four installment at 30 40 intervals. Drum 4 – 5 hours after last addition at not more than 3 – 4 r.p.m.
Pilling is very necessary to obtain fixation.
 Fat liquor
Weigh, wash in drum with running water for 20 – 30 minutes and fat liquor with 100 % water
                     1 % sulphonated oil for sheep
                     1.5 – 2 % sulphonated oil for goat
Horse overnight, sammyed and set out, etc.   

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